Talked About Siri Expansion, Waymo Trucks, IIT Ambusens, Moto Z2 Play India, Robotic Shorts - Today's Tech Log

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Sunday 4 June 2017

Talked About Siri Expansion, Waymo Trucks, IIT Ambusens, Moto Z2 Play India, Robotic Shorts

Hello Friend welcome to the Today's Tech Log, today we are going to discuss about the latest technology and gadgets which came to the market or some of them are coming shortly.

Today's Tech Logs are about Siri Expansion, Waymo Self Driving Trucks, Essential Company in Trouble, Facebook Talk Messaging app, Ambusense Technology Invention by IITKGP, Snapchat Spactacles, and Google Bug Bounty.

Siri Expansion

So friends the first update which comes to us from the Apple for the Siri Update.
Which says that apple update its Siri Software functionality, that means the new iOS devices which comes to market had comes with new Siri Expansion functionality by which you can do more task with the help of Siri Assistance.
Also the new Siri Smart Speaker comes in market in the end of this year (2017). But now is going to announce by Apple in WWDC.  

Siri Smart Speaker By Apple

Now the second update came by the Waymo

So the friends this Waymo company works on the self driving cars and now they were test it on the Trucks too. So in the new few years you must seen the self driving trucks which was similar to self driving cars.

The third update came by the Essential Company

We all know that the Essential Company had recently launched the bezel-less smartphone. People are rated it so much because Essential company done its work so nicely by making this Bezel-less smartphone. But friends this company was comes in trouble because Spigen complained trademark file because of the 'Essential' word is trademarked by the Spigen so the Spigen says Essential company doesn't have rights to use this word. So the name of this phone have chance to change its name. Let's see what happens...

The fourth update which came is by Facebook  

Facebook had basically unrevealed its new tool which is the another messaging application which named 'Talk'. So in the Facebook Talk user don't have need Facebook account and this app comes for the teenagers whose parents want to monitor their student. They wants to know whom their student talking to, what they talks and more. They wants to know is their child targeted in Cyber Bullying. So the friends this apps comes for the users which are in the ages group of 14 to 17 year. So let see when it comes to market.

The fifth update which comes from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP) 

IITKGP students invented the amazing technology which named as Ambusens. Which basically works in the Ambulance patient which are on the way to hospital. They make a device which tracks the complete body analysis of patient and send it to the hospital before patients came to hospital. So that the doctor are already get prepared before the patient came and get all idea about patients health.

The seventh update which come for the Snapchat Spectacles 

Snapchat Spectacles sell started in United Kingdom (UK). The Spectacles have been dropped by the London Eye, the only spot in the UK where they can currently be bought. The Price of this spectacles is near about Rs.11000. 

The eighth update come from the Google 

Now the Google increases its Bug Bounty reward and the reward price was now 200000 Dollars. So this was a great opportunity for the android programmers. For this price you need to find out so many minor bugs in Android System. 

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