10 iPhone Setting You Should Change Right Now - Today's Tech Log

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Wednesday 6 September 2017

10 iPhone Setting You Should Change Right Now

Hey, Guys...  This is Akshay from Today's Tech Log and today I will tell you about some iPhone setting that you should change right away. So let's get started...

Using an iPhone right out of the box with the default setting is usually fine. However, with just a few tweaks you can increase the security and privacy on your iPhone. Also, you get lot more out of it!

Make Your iPhone Locked | iPhone is now more secure

The iPhone lockscreen can let your completion a lot of tasks without locking your phone and while that is handy it does pose security threat since anyone can reply your messages interact with Siri and even access your Apple Wave Wallet from the lockscreen. 
If that doesn't scare you it showed. Unfortunately, you can make your lockscreen more secure by changing the following settings.

Go to Touch ID and Passcode in Settings under the allow access when Locked caterory choose which you dont want to be accessible from the lockscreen.
I would recommend  Turning Off Siri, Turning Off Replying Message, and Turning Off Wallet.

Obviously, you should pick and choose these settings according to your own preference. 

Make Your iPhone Speaker Louder 

No matter how much Apple improves its flagships device. Somehow the speaker quality tends to remain superb. At least when compared to the competition. But iOS does have an equalizer and it can give you speaker of volume boost when you want.
Go to EQ inside Music Settings choose the Late-Night Preset  to get a descent volume boost on your iPhone speaker. 
 Try it out the next time you find yourself at an impromptu house party and amaze your friends.

Switch Image Formats | To Save Storage Space  

So Apple upgraded the base model iPhone to 32 GB. But without any external card support, that space will fill up quite fast. Considering all the 4K footage you can shoot and the High-resolution images that the iPhone is capable of taking. 
To get around this you can use nice little settings that will save you anywhere up to 50% space on every image.
In Settings go to Camera here Tap on Format and choose High Efficiency option instead of most compatible. 
Your iPhone will then encode videos in the H dot 264 standard which results in similar or even better quality in a much smaller file size.
Images taken with this settings result in a format called a .gif, however, your iPhone will automatically export to .jpeg. When we try to share the image with an on a gif compatible device on it's a Win-Win.

Hide Notification | Content on Lockscreen

Regardless of the usability of features like this having all your notification content visible on the lockscreen is honestly kind of silly not just that its privacy threat. Since anyone can read your personal message without ever having unlocked to your iPhone. 

Inside Settings go to Notifications. In show Previews you can choose between always ven and log and never. Select When Unlocked and your are all set. 
 Never is also a perfectly fine option to go with but it may be seen as being a little bit paranoid. Choose at your own risk.

Don't Get Distracted While Driving

Another iOS 11 specific feature Do Not Disturb While Driving is extremely useful and one you should definitely be using if you drive often.
Go to Do Not Disturb inside the Settings app under the Do Not Disturb by Driving section tap on activate if your car had Blluetooth you should definetly.
When connected to the car via a Bluetooth option. If you don't have Bluetooth in a car you can choose automatically and the iPhone will automatically Turn On Do Not Disturb Mode when it detects that you're driving.
Distracted driving is never safe and this feature will make sure that you drive safely at all times.

Secure Your SIM with a SIM PIN

Having your phone stolen is never a fun feeling however it can be made worse if someones then start using a SIM in a different phone. They can easily impersonate you that access to almost every account that will have online and basically destroys your life. Well, you can prevent this by simply using a simple setting in a phone.
Go to simple Enable SIM PIN and set up a pin. This ensures that whenever your SIM is inserted into a different phone OR even when your phone is restarted it will ask for the SIM PIN.
Obviously, you shouldn't forget your own simple either so memorize it as best you can.

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